White Smoke

by Tiffany D. Jackson


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Mari learns that “running from ghosts” isn’t just a metaphor in this thrillingly modern take on the classic haunted house story.
This title contains mature language and references to drugs and is only recommended for older readers.

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The phantoms of Marigold’s old life keep haunting her, but a move with her newly blended family from their small California beach town to the embattled Midwestern city of Cedarville might be the fresh start she needs. Her mom has accepted a new job with the Sterling Foundation that comes with a free house, one that Mari now has to share with her bratty ten-year-old stepsister, Piper.

The renovated picture-perfect home on Maple Street, sitting between dilapidated houses, surrounded by wary neighbors, has its secrets. That’s only half the problem: household items vanish, doors open on their own, lights turn off, shadows walk past rooms, voices can be heard in the walls, and there’s a foul smell seeping through the vents only Mari seems to notice. Worse: Piper keeps talking about a friend who wants Mari gone.

As the house closes in, Mari learns that the danger isn’t limited to Maple Street. Cedarville has its secrets too. And secrets always find their way through the cracks.
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Product Details

  • ISBN 13: 978-0-063-02910-1