The Revenge of Magic

by James Riley


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Short Summary
Long-dead creatures are coming to life around the world, and only kids of a certain age can figure out the magic that will keep them under control!

Good For:
Thrilling Series Starter, Ordinary Kid in an Extraordinary Situation, Wild Humor and Magical Mayhem, Fans of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

Topics and Themes:
Fantastical Beasts, Magic School, Deadly Secrets

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Thirteen years ago, books of magic were discovered in various sites around the world alongside the bones of dragons. Only those born after Discovery Day have the power to use the magic.

Now, on a vacation to Washington, DC, Fort Fitzgerald’s father is lost when a giant creature bursts through the earth, attacking the city. Fort is devastated, until an opportunity for justice arrives six months later when a man named Dr. Opps invites Fort to a government-run school, the Oppenheimer School, to learn magic from those same books.

But life’s no easier at the school, where secrets abound. What does Jia, Fort’s tutor, know about the attacks? Why does Rachel, master of destructive magic, think Fort is out to destroy the school? And why is Fort seeing memories of an expelled girl every time he goes to sleep? If Fort doesn’t find out what’s hiding within the Oppenheimer School, more creatures will come, and this time, nothing will stop them!

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Product Details

    • Grades: 4 - 7
    • Ages: 9 - 12
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 416 pages
  • Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 7 5/8"
  • Language: English
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-338-60493-1