Soy Helen Keller

by Grace Norwich illustrated by Mark Elliott


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This illustrated chapter-book biography introduces one of America's most influential activists, teachers, and heroes.

Esta biografía por capítulos con ilustraciones presenta a una de las activistas, maestras y heroínas más importantes de los Estados Unidos.

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Helen Keller was two years old when she became deaf and blind. For years, she lived in a world of darkness—until her teacher Annie Sullivan came along and did the seemingly impossible. She taught this troubled child how to speak, read, and write—and Helen devoted the rest of her long and fascinating life to learning and helping others.

Helen Keller tenía casi dos años cuando se quedó sorda y ciega. Por años vivió en la total oscuridad, hasta que la maestra Annie Sullivan llegó a su vida e hizo lo que parecía imposible. Enseñó a esta niña a comunicarse, a leer y a escribir. A partir de ese momento, Helen dedicó el resto de su larga y fascinante vida a aprender y ayudar a los demás.

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About this Series

The I Am series takes a close look at individuals who have shaped the world we live in today, including politicians, filmmakers, scientists, and equal rights advocates. Each book begins with a first-person introduction of the historical figure and then goes on to tell that individual's story using a conversational tone and accessible approach to outline major life events.

Each book includes an overview of the cast of characters, a timeline, illustrations, fact-filled sidebars, a glossary, and two bonus lists: "10 Things You Should Know" and "10 More Things That Are Pretty Cool to Know." For readers eager to learn even more, each book's appendix also contain additional resources and suggestions for places to visit—in real life and online.

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Product Details

    • Grades: 3 - 4
    • Ages: 8 - 10
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 128 pages
  • Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 7 5/8"
  • Language: Spanish
  • ISBN 13: 978-0-545-79761-0