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Runaway Ralph

by Beverly Cleary illustrated by Louis Darling


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Ralph is fed up with his family, so he hops on his mouse-size motorcycle and zips off to summer camp!

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Ralph S. Mouse cannot imagine living his whole life at the old Mountain View Inn. Sure, it's cozy and his family is there, but there's a great big world beyond the walls where the mice live. And Ralph is determined to see it.

Ralph can't stand another day with his family. They are so overprotective! How can they worry about everything? Luckily, Ralph has the miniature motorcycle his old friend Keith gave him—and he's ready to ride. A little break from his family might be good for Ralph. And he's always heard amazing things about nearby Happy Acres Campground. What could possibly go wrong on a road trip?

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Product Details

    • Grades: 2 - 4
    • Ages: 8 - 10
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 176 pages
  • Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 7 5/8"
  • Language: English
  • ISBN 13: 978-0-590-66487-5

About the Author

Beverly Cleary is the Newbery Medal–winning author of more than 30 books for children. When she was a young girl, Ms. Cleary lived in a town so small it had no library. Perhaps it was this lack of books on hand that led the author to write the kinds of books (and create the many characters) she wished she could have encountered as child. Beverly Cleary's books are full of charming adventure and are beloved for their warmth, wit, and welcoming feel.