Opportunity Knocks

by Sara Farizan


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Short Summary
A strange mishap leaves Lila with a key that could unlock a world of good fortune!

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Lila is trying to figure out her interests. Her talented sister, Parisa, and athletic best friend, Melanie, both seem to have found theirs…and Lila can’t help feeling left out. But just when she thinks she might have an interest in her school’s new band program, the funding gets cut! So Lila goes to a local bank for a loan. While there, she has a run-in with a passing stranger who drops a strange box by her feet—and disappears. Inside the box Lila finds an old key, with a message carved into the box: A simple clue for you who holds the key. Remember to unlock the door for Opportunity.
It turns out the key is magical! And when Lila falls asleep with it in her room, she wakes to knocking from a strange, glowing door. Out pops Felise—a girl Lila’s own age—who will be by her side for seven serendipitous days, bringing Lila incredible luck. But all may not be so lucky, after all. The stranger who lost the key wants it back…and he’ll do anything to get it.
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Product Details

    • Grades: 4 - 7
    • Ages: 9 - 12
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 224 pages
  • Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 7 5/8"
  • Language: English
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-338-89261-1