Magic Tree House® Merlin Missions #19: Abe Lincoln at Last!

by Mary Pope Osborne illustrated by Sal Murdocca


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Short Summary
Jack and Annie are whisked back in time to 1861, a nation on the verge of Civil War, and a president in need of help from two time-traveling kids.

Good For:
Mega-Bestselling Series, Page-Turning Action & Gentle Suspense, Strong Characters, Imaginative Plots, Entertaining Up-Close Tour Through History, Magical Adventure, Turning Nonreaders Into Bookworms

Topics and Themes:
Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, Time Travel

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Jack and Annie are trying to find a special feather that will help save Merlin’s baby penguin, Penny. When the Magic Tree House takes them back in time to Washington, D.C., Jack can’t wait to meet Abraham Lincoln himself! But the new president is too busy to see them, as he is desperately trying to save a country in crisis.

When Jack and Annie ask for some magical help, they go back even further in time to a mysterious woods. Are these the same woods where Abraham Lincoln takes his daily horse ride? If so, can an orphan named Sam help them find Abe? Or will Jack and Annie have to help Sam instead?

It’s a race against time as Jack and Annie try to do the right thing. Plus, they still have to help a president and a troubled nation, as well as find the object that will save Penny the penguin.

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Product Details

    • Grades: 2 - 3
    • Ages: 7 - 9
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 128 pages
  • Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 7 5/8"
  • Language: English
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-338-22494-8