Las chicas dragón: Willa, el dragón plateado de purpurina (Dragon Girls: Willa the Silver Glitter Dragon)
by Maddy Mara- Item #167507 in
- Grades: 2 - 4
- Ages: 7 - 9
- Series: Dragon Girls
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
Willa and her friends have a powerful magic inside of them — they each have the ability to transform into a Glitter Dragon Girl. They can breathe glittery fire, soar through the air, and communicate with all the creatures who live in the Magic Forest. The troublesome Shadow Sprites are after the Tree Queen's magic again, and it can only be saved by a special potion. Willa is leading their quest, but she's scared of what might happen if they don't succeed. Can she embrace her inner fire in time — or will the forest be lost forever?
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Product Details
- Grades: 2 - 4
- Ages: 7 - 9
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 144 pages
- Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 7 5/8"
- Language: Spanish
- Subject & Themes: Dragons, Magic, Reluctant Reader Appeal
- Genre: Fantasy
- ISBN 13: 978-1-546-14802-9