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E. B. White Treasury

by E. B. White


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    • Grades: 3 - 6
    • Ages: 8 - 12
    Newbery Author
  • In this Pack: 3 Items
    • Format: Paperback Book Pack
Short Summary
Timeless stories for the entire family to read and cherish—about a mouse on a mission, a faithful spider, and a jazz-playing swan.

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Charlotte's Web
Wilbur, a pig, and Charlotte, a gray spider, are the best of friends. Wilbur admires Charlotte's kindness and intelligence; Charlotte loves Wilbur's sweetness and warmth. But their happiness doesn't last—the farmer is planning to turn Wilbur into bacon! So quick-thinking Charlotte decides to use her web-spinning talents to save the life of her friend.

Stuart Little
From the moment their second son arrived, the Little family noticed something different about Stuart. He was as small as a mouse, with the nose, tail, and whiskers of a mouse. In fact, he was a mouse! The Littles quickly adjust their New York City lifestyle to meet their new son's needs. And while there are great dangers for Stuart—like garbage disposals and Snowbell, the family cat—there are also great joys.

The Trumpet of the Swan
Louis, a trumpeter swan, has one major problem: he has no voice. How can he communicate? A boy named Sam helps him, taking him to school so he can learn to read and write. But other swans can't read, so Louis still can't communicate with them. Then Sam's father finds a trumpet in a music store—and Louis finally finds his voice.
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Product Details

    • Grades: 3 - 6
    • Ages: 8 - 12
  • Product Type: Book Pack
  • Page Count: 560 pages
  • Language: English
  • Subject & Themes: Friendship, Animals
  • ISBN 13: 978-0-439-74137-8