Donut Dreams: Hole in the Middle Plus Squishy

by Coco Simon


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After a painful loss, Lindsay decides to sell doughnuts so she can afford to go to a far-away college. Comes with a purple doughnut squishy!

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Lindsay Cooper is about to start middle school. In her free time, she works at her family’s restaurant, the Park View, handing out the world’s most delicious doughnuts at the Donut Dreams counter. Her grandmother started the counter as a way to send Lindsay’s dad to college, and Lindsay wants to use her job the same way—to make her dream of going to school far away from her small town a reality.

Home feels different ever since Lindsay’s mom passed away two years ago. And not having her mom around to help her get through the start of middle school doesn’t help her “first day of school” angst. But with her cousins Kelsey and Molly by her side, not to mention her BFF, Casey, Lindsay soon discovers family and friends go a long way toward filling any hole in your heart. And life can still be as fun as a pink doughnut with rainbow sprinkles!

Comes with a purple doughnut squishy.
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  • ISBN 13: 978-1-338-76466-6