By the Time You Read This I’ll Be Gone

by Stephanie Keuhn


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Short Summary
Beatrice Fletcher tries to solve the mystery of a missing friend, just like her great-aunt Jessica used to do in Cabot Cove. This modern update is based on the classic TV show.
This title contains mature language and references to sex and alcohol and is only recommended for older readers.

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Beatrice Fletcher is obsessed with unsolved murders in her small town of Cabot Cove, Maine, like her great-aunt Jessica, the famous mystery writer. But when her best friend, Jackson, goes missing, this time the mystery is personal.

When Jackson fails to show up for a late-night meetup, Bea stumbles upon three students from the elite Broadmoor Academy: overly friendly and slightly vicious Leisl; her aloof twin brother, Leif; and Carlos, who knows more about, well, everything than he’s letting on.

They’re worldly, secretive, and big on playing games like tenace, the hush-hush Broadmoor tradition where anything or anyone can be a clue to future fame and fortune, and players will stop at nothing—including murder—to get ahead.

If Bea wants to find Jackson, she too must join the game and play to win. Everyone in Cabot Cove has secrets, and it’s up to Bea to ferret them out before it’s too late.
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Product Details

    • Grades: 7 - 12
    • Ages: 12 - and up
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 304 pages
  • Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 8"
  • Language: English
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-338-76455-0