
by Sharon Cameron


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A chilling and poignant portrait of the personal betrayals, terrifying injustices, and deadly secrets that seethe beneath the surface in the aftermath of World War II.
This title contains mature language and subject matter that may not be appropriate for every student. The characters in this book deal with tough issues and the editors of BookBeat hope that their stories will help you gain a better understanding and tolerance of others.

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In 1946, Eva leaves behind the rubble of Berlin for the streets of New York City, stepping from the fiery aftermath of one war into another, far colder one, where power is more important than principles, and lies are more plentiful than the truth. Eva holds the key to a deadly secret: Project Bluebird—a horrific experiment of the concentration camps, capable of tipping the balance of world power. Both the Americans and the Soviets want Bluebird, and it is something that neither should ever be allowed to possess.

But Eva hasn’t come to America for secrets or power. She hasn’t even come for a new life. She has come to America for one thing: justice. And the Nazi that has escaped its net.
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Product Details

    • Grades: 9 - 12
    • Ages: 14 - and up
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 480 pages
  • Dimensions: 5 1/4" x 8"
  • Language: English
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-338-35597-0