Who Would Win?® Killer Whale vs. Great White Shark

by Jerry Pallotta illustrated by Rob Bolster


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A deadly undersea match-up packed with killer facts!

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The killer whale has a huge jaw with about fifty teeth—each almost four inches long! But if the killer whale loses a tooth, it will never grow back. The great white shark, on the other hand, has several rows of razor-sharp teeth, and it can lose more than 3,000 teeth in its lifetime, growing them back again and again. But teeth aren't everything...as readers will soon realize. This easy-to-read book lets kids guess which ocean predator really rules under the waves!

In this innovative new science series from favorite nonfiction author Jerry Pallotta, readers will learn about dangerous creatures by asking, "Who would win?" Each book is illustrated with full-color pictures and features a pair of animals that rarely, if ever, meet in the wild. Young scientists will love using the book's easy-to-read facts and their own reasoning skills to decide for themselves which creature would be the winner.

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About this Series

This innovative science series introduces young readers to animal species by pitting two creatures against one another and asking kids to predict which one would prevail. Each book is illustrated with vivid, full-color pictures and features two animals that rarely, if ever, meet in the wild. Readers use information about each animal's physical attributes, nearest relatives, diet, survival tactics, and more to determine which creature would win in a fight. With easy-to-navigate layouts and just a few key facts per page, these books encourage kids to draw scientific conclusions by using reasoning skills and creative thinking.

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Product Details

    • Grades: 1 - 3
    • Ages: 6 - 9
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 32 pages
  • Dimensions: 6" x 9"
  • Language: English
  • ISBN 13: 978-0-545-16075-9