Double Fudge 6-Book Pack

by Judy Blume


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Peter Hatcher’s little brother—nicknamed Fudge—is a real chaos-causing troublemaker. But now Peter’s cousin is coming to visit, and this means double trouble! Includes six copies of the book.

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There’s not too much that can surprise 12-year-old Peter Hatcher. He’s seen a lot thanks to the energy of his younger brother, Fudge (whose real name is Farley). Over the years, Fudge has wanted to become a bird; proposed to Peter’s sworn enemy, Sheila Tubman; and become terrified of Peter’s pet turtle, Dribble. Now Fudge is obsessed with money. He can’t stop asking how much everything costs—or how much everyone makes. It’s so embarrassing! Even worse, there’s a long-lost cousin coming to visit—and his name is Farley Hatcher too. Will these two little cousins have more in common than just their names? Poor Peter! Written with lots of heart, this story keeps kids chuckling over the everyday madness and mayhem of family life.Includes six copies of the book.
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  • ISBN 13: 978-0-439-85844-1